November Shoemaking Workshop

I hosted a workshop for six of folks to make some shoes, and I should say that it was an unqualified success! Everyone came out with some really wonderful pieces, and I would have been pleased to wear any of them. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get finished pictures (which I really need to be better at doing!), but here is a set of six pairs in progress like a little chorus line.

The key thing about hosting a workshop, indeed, whenever you are using up valuable material like leather, is being as efficient as possible.

Here, aside from the “RJ” that was the brand of the cow, I feel like I’ve been pretty efficient. =)

The crew hard at work. I couldn’t help it, they were such diligent students!


Morgan’s great 14th C. turnshoes – and a bonus video of her making them!

Lauren’s cute red pumps.

Vandy’s lovely brown viking shoes.

10 thoughts on “November Shoemaking Workshop”

    1. Given the current C-19 situation, it is not likely! Probably not until late in the year, if not next year.

    1. Hello, and thanks for the interest! I do occasionally run online classes as overviews, but I’m afraid an online workshop won’t really be practical for learning the real techniques needed.

  1. Now that restrictions are easing and we’re moving closer to…normal(?)…is there any chance of you doing a workshop in the back half of 2021?

    1. Yes! Very likely in the November time frame, as September and October are already filling up with other events and commissions!

  2. Came over here from Morgan Donner’s video because I’m researching how I’d make a 16th century pair of shoes for going to Ren Fairs. I’d be interested in a workshop, even if it was a different kind of shoe, just to learn the techniques with someone who knows what they’re doing (not me!)

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